Friday, June 10, 2016


T minus 31 days. What is the countdown for you may ask? It is the day where I vacate the not so distant memories of my 20’s and enter into the years of 30, flirty, and thriving. Except that the only part of this statement happening in my life is the 30… I am not flirting with anyone and I am not thriving in the way I thought I would. Does this sound like you? You might not be at the milestone age yet but you are simply not in the place of life that you thought you would be.

My 10-year high school reunion has come and gone and still nothing major has happened in my life. I thought surely by now I would be married and have a kid or two. In fact, I thought that I would have been married by 22... well obviously God redirected my path. So in this moment, I have two choices. I can wallow in self-pity and say “WHY GOD, WHY” or I can choose to see the situation from a Godly point of view. 

Since self-pity was never my thing I chose to be thankful. Though I might not be where I want to be thank God I am not where I used to be! It makes me think about the verses in Philippians 3:11-14“Not that I have attained or perfected but I press on. Not that I have apprehended but one thing that I do forgetting those thing which are behind and forward to those things that are ahead. I press towards the goal of the upward call of Christ Jesus.”  This must be our attitude in the midst of situations that are not what we expected. Press forward.

Have a Godly perspective. You can’t relive the past nor can you necessarily plan the future to your specific qualifications. You can have humility and trust that God is working EVERYTHING COLLECTIVELY together for your good. I have come to the realization as I exit this season of life that I have lived my life on pause and hoping in the “what ifs” and the “when” Well I am here to tell you that those don’t get you anywhere.

“What ifs” and “whens” can simply be translated into hope deferred and the Bible says that It makes the heart sick. (Proverbs 13:12) Continually dwelling on these does exactly that. It gets you in the attitude where you wait to live or thinking that life will start when you meet that special someone who sweeps you off your feet and buy that big house in the suburbs. If you are still breathing (since you are reading this you are) Guess what life has already begun!

Maybe you’re getting exhausted because your breathe has been held for a little while, waiting for things to change. But DON’T HOLD YOUR BREATHE! BREATHE! Venture out, live life. What is amazing about God is that in the midst of living He has already orchestrated every day of your life so you don’t have to fear that you are going to miss out on something. He will in fact use those days to get you to where you want to be so don’t fret.

Don’t live is a constant state of discontent. Don’t measure your success against anyone else’s. What God has called to be success in your life is different than others and it is tailor made for you. Don’t slap your life in the face and lessen your accomplishments because of lacking milestone moments. You are not behind. You are not forgotten. You are where you are supposed to be, when you are supposed to be there.

Don’t allow the enemy to steal your joy in this season by deceiving you to think that you are where you are because of things you may or may not have done. Yes there are things that we could have changed from our past but the mercy of God covers and redeems our mistakes. Out past doesn't dictate our future. Press forward. Live and enjoy life now and when the time is right, I promise everything will work out even better that you could have ever imagined!

1 Corinthians 2:9
Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”


Bekah Out!

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