Monday, March 28, 2016

If You Wait For It, He Will Come!

Back in the day when the very first Playstation (aging myself) came out one of my very favorite games to play was Need for Speed. Within the game there was a level called Hot Pursuit and it was my favorite! So basically you got to pick a car, customize it (my car of choice was the Lamborgani Diablo), and pick a course. The object of the game was to evade the police while they chased after you. I don’t know what it was but it gave me a rush! Probably because I was living out a secret fantasy that I would never ever attempt. Except for that one time… I’ll have to tell that story some other time! Back to the point. Very few times was I successful and usually ended up crashing and burning. The pursuit was too great.  In correlation to being single, what if I can give you the formula for evading the police of heartbreak? Is the information worth it for you?

What if the process of picking our spouse was easy where it came to us? It was in pursuit of us if you will. It can be if we allow it. I heard this statement from a prominent evangelist. “It is a perversion of the promise of God for us to pursue things because God meant for them to pursue us.” Wow mind blown! This is the same with the relationship God has for you. Ladies he is meant to pursue you.

Psalms 23:7 says “Goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life.” In the amplified version the word follow is also translated as pursue. When it is something that is from God, we don’t have to go out looking for it but it will simply come to us. The only problem with this is that often when we submit to God’s timing, it takes a lot longer than we expect. Have you ever heard the phrases “God knows no time” or “God lives outside of time”? I mean God I know you don’t understand time but did you see that yet another of my friends is engaged? I going to need you to know time a little…

When we get anxious, it can be a snowball effect on our life not only in dating but many other things in our life. One thing I think we ought to be careful of is compromise. Because we are a microwave generation, people end up in relationships and even marriages that are not God’s best for them. We take things in our own hands. We don’t allow God’s crock pot to slow cook our desires. We don’t allow the good things of Christ come to us therefore a lot of times eating things prematurely.

We are praised for being proactive and taking charge for ourselves. This can be a self-righteous act and nullify letting God be in control. In a sense we are saying we don't need God. Allow God’s good thing to come and pursue you. Remember that God withholds no good thing, so if he isn’t pursuing you, it isn’t that good thing.

CAUTION: Be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing. Even though I talked about allowing God’s good thing to pursue you, remember the devil wants to steal, kill and destroy you. What better way to get to you  through the perception of being pursued by seemingly the man of your dreams. This is why we always need to be alert and ask God for wisdom and discernment to avoid the trap.

It is sad to me to see that so many marriages outside and inside the church fail. This was never God’s plan. When we accept God’s timing, we realize that good things take time so just wait. One of my favorite verses in this season is Ecclesiastes 3:1 God makes everything beautiful in time. He wants 
to make your relationship beautiful but it takes time. Allow Him to work in that time. 

One final thought, when you are truly trusting God in the wait, don’t help Him along by positioning ourselves in hopes of pursuit. You know what I mean. Thinking if you place yourself in position A at precisely time B that guy C will notice you and begin to pursue. News flash God created the Heavens and earth without you so I am pretty sure that He doesn’t need your help to get you to your desired haven. (Psalms 107:30)

Even though it might not be the most comfortable thing. the now "pain" will be worth it. Trust God!

Bekah Out!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Few Good Men

Imagine you are single Hebrew lady in the days of old. You know the one sitting by the local well drawing water. All of a sudden you’ve see the tribe gossip Naomi walking your way. I imagine the conversation going like this.

Naomi: “Bathsheba girl how you doing? You: Oh good girl just drawing water from this well. (In actuality you are sitting there to show all the single tribe men you are available.) Naomi: Did you hear the news about Tamar, Hagar, and Ruth? (Notice the Biblical name trend) Girl they are all getting married! But that ain’t none of my business though. Welcome to the Real House Wives of Judah County You: Girl that is so great! Mazel Tov!

However in her heart this is what you are really thinking. “Yea it is easy saying you’re happy for them Naomi, you are married and with child. Do you even know who your baby daddy is? Really they should all me thanking me because I set them up with their BAEs!

You: Well girl I got to get back to my father’s house and get the unleavened bread cooking. You know Passover time and all. Naomi: Okay girl save the date because they are getting married in a fortnight. Oh! You should bring the cutie Isaiah from the tribe of Judah. I heard he’s set to inherit 200 sheep and 50 goats. And I heard he is looking for someone to tend HIS sheep if you get what I am saying. You: Okay girl thanks for the look out. Shalom!

This is what I believe this passage her diary read that night.

Dear Diary,
Lord! Help! Godly men are fast disappearing. Where in all the world can dependable men be found? Everyone deceives and flatters and lies. There is no sincerity left

Did you know that this is actually a verse in the Bible? Psalms 12:1 to be exact. Okay I know that this is really not the way the verse is meant to be read but the supernatural personalization of God’s word and my imagination interrupted it to me like this.

Even though this seems like the cry of your heart, I promise this isn’t the case. Though options seem few and far between, there is hope! It is not a worldly hope but a godly one. The Bible talks about how hope deferred makes the heart sick. That is when we are putting our hope in what we see. Things seem grim but we have a hope in God.

When we have a godly hope, it doesn’t disappoint. It never fails you, and it never forgets about you. Let me give you a bit of encouragement. “His ear are attentive to the cries of the righteous.” Psalms 34:15 He knows!

Don’t think that your pain goes unnoticed. This is the part that we begin to walk by faith and not by sight. Yes this very well may be the reality and fact but guess what facts are subject to change.

I love that God doesn’t work on our playing field. In fact, in Isaiah 55:8 it talks about how God’s ways and thoughts are higher and greater than ours. Can I get a Hallelujah! If you are like me, your thoughts are limited. God can bring supernatural provision into a natural situation so don’t lose hope.

This is the place where we take our stance.  When everything seems lost and hopeless are you going to let reality dictate what you hope in or are you going to allow God to be the place you put your hope?  What we see always looks late but I am sure you have heard this statement “God is never late but always on time.”

Allow God’s timing to permeate in your situation. There is no shortage of men. There is no need for desperate times calling for desperate measures Wait upon the Lord and renew your strength.


Bekah Out!