Monday, July 25, 2016

And the Winner is...

As some point or another I am sure that most little girls has played beauty pageant. I know I am guilty of it. Being influenced by pageants such as Miss America or even Miss Universe we have fantasied what it would be like to hold one of those elite titles.

Here is the scenario: Dressed in your Sunday’s best you set to parade yourself down the imaginary aisle in your room and pose with fierceness to impress the cotton filled judges in hopes of obtaining that honor. “And the first runner up who will take the place if the winner is unable to perform her duties is Malibu Barbie… (Inser drum roll) which means Bekah you are now crowned 2016’s Miss African America.” Your acceptance speech begins… “ First off I would like to thank God (you know how that goes) because without Him I would never be here…” then the list goes on as you give accolades to the rest of the individuals that helped you achieve your wildest dreams. Well what if this was not just a fantasy but a reality? What if I told you hold a title every day that you walk this earth?

What is man that you are mindful of him the son of man that you visit him? You made him just a little lower than the angels and crowned him with glory and honor. Psalms 8:5

We don’t have to wait for a competition to wear a crown, we have already been crowned!  You are a daughter of the Most High King and the jewels on your crown are glory and honor. There is such a significance about these two words. The word glory means radiant beauty and honor means high respect as to worth, merit, or rank. This is the position that we hold on this earth; a position of royalty. 

Me, royalty? YES YOU! There are probably times when you feel more like Sandra Bullock in Miss Congeniality, you know awkward and out of place, I totally feel you but when we understand who we are in Christ it should change our confidence level. So you are probably thinking what does this have to do with being single. Well I am glad that you asked. Continue reading I we will go on this journey together.

If you hold a crown of honor and glory, Do you allow others to dishonor you? Something that I was taught that rings very true is that “you teach people the way you want to be treated.” If you take into consideration the British Royal Family do you think that Princess Kate allows anyone to talk to her any ole crazy way? No one would dare! So if an earthly royal has that stance, why should we at a greater dignity as Heavenly royalty allow others, especially men, to treat us other than what we deserve. This shouldn’t be so. Don’t allow men to treat you like a play thing. If he is saying things to string you along, Like Elsa said Let it GO! If he is making promises and not keeping them, you guessed it let that go as too. Does he speak to you out of a harsh heart instead of uplifting, life giving words. Or does his words not reflect his actions These are just some things to consider. Someone will take advantage of you as long as you allow it to happen. Now is it always intentional. No. Sometimes because they haven’t been taught they act out of ignorance. Use discernment towards each individual. God will guide you.

Now on the flip side as much as you would like to blame others for the way that they treat you, you are also responsible for the way you treat yourself. When I say this, I think about the way we allow ourselves to be treated mentally. Don’t allow vain imaginations shape the way that you are being honored! If you are imaginative person, be careful not to allow what “could be” shape the way you allow yourself to be honored. Do you allow the thought of pursuit and possible signs of interest run rampant in your mind? 

This could be a problem because it keeps you in a place of hope that may never exist. This is called hope deferred which the Bible says it makes the heart sick. The problem with the mental game is the person on interest has no idea that they are even a competitor. It is ALL on you. Don’t allow yourself to get run over mentally and emotionally because you are looking for any sign of hope. This is dishonoring yourself. You deserve to be pursued.. Don’t let your heart become so desperate that you mentally try to will something to happen or sit around. Until he makes an effort of pursuit don’t cause yourself the mental torment.

My plea to you is to carry yourself with the utmost respect and hold your head high. You are a treasure, a crowned jewel radiantly beautiful and well respected of God. Treat yourself and demand that others treat you this way.


Bekah Out!